Do you want to wake

up everyday confident

that your Real Estate

Business has LEADS


into your inbox?

The Freedom to Flourish Foundations

8 module training

will show you how.

Do you Ever?

  • Wonder how some agents seem to have all the leads, all the prosperity, and a smile on their face too?

  • Get tired of feeling so exhausted, chasing after the lifestyle you planned to have, only to have one setback after another?

  • Feel doubtful thinking you may have picked the wrong business?

  • Become upset, unsure of why you never have enough for a sound future for you and your family?

  • Get scared or even desperate between sales, wondering where your next commissions will come from?

  • Feel stuck, unable to break free from a toxic environment?

My friend, I have been there!

I just wanted to CLOSE SOME DEALS!

In my 20 years of running a successful Real Estate business I've had my ups and downs in Life.

Life happens to all of us and no matter what anyone tells you, it does affect your business.

Because as a Realtor, your personal and professional life do intertwine.  Like most of us, I've had a lot of LIFE happen over this time so I learned how to create certain systems in order for my business to run, no matter what life throws at me. 

I'm always able to have a Flourishing Real Estate Business.

I don't knock on doors, do cold calls or even call on FSBO or Expireds.

I have created a Relationship based business!

I have created systems to stay in touch with my people.

Want to know how I have made my business fun and enjoyable?

I know you are probably thinking, just what I need, more to do's!

I am already overwhelmed, the last thing I need is something else to do.

You're JUST missing one piece.

Want to know what it is?

Most agents fail in their business because they lack the FOUNDATIONS to thrive!



Self paced program for Real Estate Agents to create a flood of leads flowing into your inbox.


  • You will create a clear vision of what you want your Dream Business to look like so that you know what to do daily.

  • You will create your branding and logo which means you will love the content you put out.

  • You will learn about positive mindset tools that will help you build confidence so you know at all times you have what it takes to create an amazing abundant lifestyle.

  • How to create automations so that you have more time Freedom.

  • How to create top notch service so that your clients are constantly referring you.

  • How to build your Team so you can automate and delegate for even more time freedom.

  • How to create multiple streams of income through real estate so your always making money.

  • How to set up your business to profit.

You Can Create Your DREAM Business!

Inside the Freedom to Flourish Foundations Course you will understand the four pillars of a thriving successful Real Estate Business.





No matter what you are working on in your business, you are working in one of these pillars.

When something is missing, it is work that needs to be done inside one of these Pillars.

When all Pillars are performing at an optimal level, your business will be thriving.

By the end of 8 weeks, you will have everything you need to be successful.

I’ve worked as a real estate agent for many years and burned the candle at both ends to bring in leads, sell homes, and make ends meet for my FAMILY.

It just never seemed to be enough to really get ahead.

Then one day I followed my instincts into a new life, one where being a Realtor actually provides for my present and future.

I'm Dawn Loding.

Hustle Hustle Hustle just never worked for me!

It was when I finally got aligned with who I was, my vision and my purpose.

Then I was able to implement the systems and that is where my business really started to change.

And I can show you how…

Join Me In...

Each week you will work on a different Foundation for your business.

You'll create a detailed Business Plan to focus on, eliminating all the shiny objects.

  • Module 1- Mindset, Vision and Business Plan.  You get to design your business plan according to the vision you have for your small business.  If I can do this, so can you!

  • Module 2- Foundations.  By implementing these few basic systems, you will know what to do daily to make your phone ring.

  • Module 3-Automations.  I am all about automating everything I possibly can, then delegating it to one of my assistants.  I will share all of my most important game changing automations I have created for my own Real Estate business.

  • Module 4-Buyer Automations and Messaging.  By getting your buyer processes figured out, documented and automated, you will build the confidence and work with more clients than you ever thought possible.

  • Module 5- Seller Automations and Messaging.  Having a Listing process that just ROCKS is powerful.  

  • Module 6- Contract to close.  What happens from the time you get your client to the time you get to the closing table is where you provide the client an experience.  Knowing what to look for, how to guide them and also how to make sure you get paid are all key points to getting the client closed and sending you all their referrals!  

  • Module 7- Your VIP Yearly, Monthly, Weekly and Daily plan.  I can not express how important this part of the plan is.  I have built my business off of this one Funnel, FIRST.

  • Module 8- Let's talk about Lead Generation Funnels!  NOW YOU HAVE YOUR SYSTEMS ALL SET UP, time to pour more lead generation funnels into the flow.I walk you through each area and teach you how to automate… saving you time and money!

I walk you through each area and teach you how to automate… saving you time and money!

Join now and get access for 8 weeks

to weekly Q & A LIVE coaching calls

This Business is not an easy one.

Lots of agents give up before they even realize they're standing in their own acre of diamonds.

It's the ones who continue by getting the right guidance, rhythm and systems are the ones who succeed.

I hope that is you.